Environmental Sensing
We deliver emerging technologies to help scientists and regulators characterize our world, and others.Absorption Spectroscopy
Tunable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TLAS) utilizes unique spectral features to identify and quantify gasses. At OKSI, we develop systems operating in the “molecular fingerprint” region with high sensitivity and specificity. The systems utilize robust, small size, weight, and power components enabling compact sensors for a wide-range of applications.

Earth Monitoring
We develop sensors and techniques for characterizing Earth systems and processes. We have unique tools and capabilities that can take on challenging measurements within land, sea and air environments. We lean on our 30 years of experience producing, operations and utilizing state-of-the-art technology – which includes emission, absorption and hyperpectral imaging sytems.
Space Exploration
Understanding the origins of our universe and beyond is at the forefront of many minds. Our experience in space-based mission planning and science gives us a unique perspective on space exploration. Our ConOps and astrophysics knowledge combined with our proprietary low SWaP sensors allow us to take targeted measurements to help answer many unknowns about planets and other celestial bodies.

Hollow Core Fibers
Through our spin-off company, Guiding Photonics, we can provide beam delivery solutions for Mid-IR, NIR, high power Vis, and UV sources, including standard products and custom patch cables, fiber bundles, and optical assemblies.
Learn more at Guiding Photonics